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Viewing the timetable for service X3

Salisbury to Bournemouth
via Downton, Breamore, Fordingbridge, Ringwood, Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Boscombe

Route map

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Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3Service X3
Salisbury City Centre, Blue Boar Row [N] 06:45 07:45 08:45 09:20 09:55 10:25 10:55 11:25 11:55 12:25 12:55 13:25 13:55 14:25 14:55 15:25 15:55 16:25 16:55 17:25 17:55 18:25 19:00 19:50 20:45 21:45 00:10
Britford Bus Shelter 06:51 07:51 08:52 09:27 10:02 10:32 11:02 11:32 12:02 12:32 13:02 13:32 14:02 14:32 15:02 15:32 16:02 16:32 17:02 17:32 18:02 18:31 19:06 19:56 20:51 21:50 00:15
Bodenham, New Hall Hospital 06:53 07:53 08:54 09:29 10:04 10:34 11:04 11:34 12:04 12:34 13:04 13:34 14:04 14:34 15:04 15:34 16:04 16:34 17:04 17:34 18:04 18:33 19:08 19:58 20:53 21:52 00:17
Charlton, A338 Bus Shelter 06:56 07:56 08:57 09:32 10:07 10:37 11:07 11:37 12:07 12:37 13:07 13:37 14:07 14:37 15:07 15:37 16:07 16:37 17:07 17:37 18:07 18:36 19:11 20:01 20:56 21:54 00:19
Downton, The Bull 06:59 07:59 09:00 09:35 10:10 10:40 11:10 11:40 12:10 12:40 13:10 13:40 14:10 14:40 15:10 15:40 16:10 16:40 17:10 17:40 18:10 18:39 19:14 20:04 20:59 21:57 00:22
Breamore Village Hall 07:03 08:03 09:04 09:39 10:14 10:44 11:14 11:44 12:14 12:44 13:14 13:44 14:14 14:44 15:14 15:44 16:14 16:44 17:14 17:44 18:14 18:43 19:18 20:08 21:03 22:01 00:26
Fordingbridge, Salisbury Street 07:09 08:09 09:10 09:45 10:20 10:50 11:20 11:50 12:20 12:50 13:20 13:50 14:20 14:50 15:20 15:50 16:20 16:50 17:20 17:50 18:20 18:49 19:24 20:14 21:09 22:06 00:31
Ibsley Church 07:16 08:16 09:17 09:52 10:27 10:57 11:27 11:57 12:27 12:57 13:27 13:57 14:27 14:57 15:27 15:57 16:27 16:57 17:27 17:57 18:27 18:56 19:31 20:21 21:16 22:12 00:37
Ringwood, Meeting House Lane [C] 06:32 07:27 07:57 08:27 08:57 09:27 10:02 10:37 11:07 11:37 12:07 12:37 13:07 13:37 14:07 14:37 15:07 15:37 16:07 16:37 17:07 17:37 18:07 18:37 19:03 19:40 20:28 21:23 22:20 00:43
Royal Bournemouth Hospital [A] 06:45 07:42 08:12 08:42 09:12 09:42 10:17 10:52 11:22 11:52 12:22 12:52 13:22 13:52 14:22 14:52 15:22 15:52 16:22 16:52 17:22 17:52 18:22 18:52 19:55 22:32
Boscombe, Ashley Road 06:51 07:49 08:19 08:49 09:19 09:49 10:24 10:59 11:29 11:59 12:29 12:59 13:29 13:59 14:29 14:59 15:29 15:59 16:29 16:59 17:29 17:59 18:29 18:59 20:02 22:39
Bournemouth, Westover Road [3] 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:35 11:10 11:40 12:10 12:40 13:10 13:40 14:10 14:40 15:10 15:40 16:10 16:40 17:10 17:40 18:10 18:40 19:10 20:12 22:49

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