Merley, Oakley Straight, S-bound service updates
Showing only service updates for Merley, Oakley Straight, S-bound.
These may affect your journey
32 - Holloway Ave closed
- Affected routes:
- Affected stops:
- Milford Drive, NE-bound
- Milford Drive, SW-bound
- Exbury Drive, E-bound
- Exbury Drive, W-bound
- Bear Cross, Anchor Road Parade, E-bound
- Bear Cross, Anchor Road Parade, W-bound
- Anstey Close, NE-bound
- Anstey Close, SW-bound
32 - Holloway Ave closed due to BCP surfacing work. Buses will not be able to serve Holloway Ave, Anchor Road, Anstey Road during some periods during these works. Bus 36 will divert via Anchor Road at this time.
These disruptions could affect future journeys
3 4 18 - Kitchener Crescent closed
- Affected routes:
- Affected stops:
- Kitchener Crescent Top, W-bound
- Kitchener Crescent Top, E-bound
- Methuen Road, NW-bound
- Methuen Road, S-bound
- Waterloo Estate, Milne Road, E-bound
- Waterloo Estate, Milne Road, W-bound
3 4 18 - Kitchener Crescent - BCP roadworks scheduled for this area WILL affect the bus service from the plans we have been given. Road works are between Milne Road and Hilbourne Road, on the East / North side of Kitchener Crescent. All buses will divert past the school on the West side.